Visit the prayer log and add your intentions.

Visitez le carnet de prières et ajoutez-y vos intentions. Ici se trouve le lien.

Visiten el cuaderno de oraciones y anoten sus intenciones. Llamenlo clicando aqui.

mardi 19 mars 2013


"Quand nous marchons sans la croix nous sommes mondains. Nous sommes des évêques, des prêtres, des cardinaux, des papes, mais pas des disciples du Seigneur".

Pour nous, missionnaires de Notre Dame de La Salette il est facile de comprendre ce que nous dit sa Sainteté,  François.  Marie, la première disciple de notre Sauveur, nous présente la parfaite image par le collier qu’elle porte.
La poursuite du salut est un témoignage du sacrifice total de notre vie personnelle pour obtenir la vie éternelle.   Ce sacrifice est  joint à la mission du Christ qui donne le tout pour la rédemption du genre humain. Ce coup de bistouris du pape m’a rappelé de suite ces mots de notre chère mère en pleures. 
Elle nous raconte l’effet du poids de sa croix quand elle nous dit, « le bras de mon fils est si lourd que je n’arrive pas à le retenir.  Si vous ne vous convertissez pas, je serai contrainte de laisser tomber le bras de mon fils. »  Elle porte sa croix en témoignage de son unité avec la mission de son fils.  Et nous ?  Notre saint père nous rappelle que ce n’est pas assez d’être missionnaire, prêtre, catéchiste, évêque, cardinal ou même pape si nous laissons de cote la croix.  Une vie sans la croix est une vie contraire à la vie de celle qu’il nous ordonne de mener.  Pour nous, Salettins, une vie sans croix est contraire a la vie que notre mère Marie en larmes nous dépeint,  assise la, sur la pierre dure et froide de Sous-les-Baisses. 
C’est la notre vocation de Salettins.  Notre croix peut etre non-sanglante, mais elle est tout de même croix ;  elle est tout de même lourde ;  elle nous abaisse et nous fait fléchir les genoux, et parfois même en publique ;  non-sanglante qu’elle peut être, elle mène a un calvaire sur et certain, tôt ou tard.  D’une façon ou d’une autre les vrais disciples du Christ ne s’échappent pas du Calvaire.  La vie du disciple est une vie vouée au sacrifice de soi en faveur du martyr en témoignage et en reconnaissance du sacrifice de notre Rédempteur.
Bon courage.  

jeudi 14 mars 2013


This is the link to the text of Pope Francis' homily to the college of cardinals in the Sistine Chapel.
It's not long.  You have time to pray it

Voici le lien qui mène au texte de la première homélie délivrée par Pape François   Il la prononça devant les cardinaux assembles dans le chapelle Sixtine pour la messe le jour après l’Élection.
Elle n'est pas longue.  Vous avez le temps de la prier

Aquí es la llave para abrir el texto de la primera homilía de Papa Francisco.  Tuvo lugar en frente de los cardinales reunidos en la Capilla Sistina para la misa cotidiana.
No es muy larga.  Tienen tiempo de orar la.

dimanche 10 mars 2013


This is a short report about the episcopal visitation to the parish of St. Christopher located in Moreno Valley, California, USA.
This parish is under the tutelage of the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette and Father Joven Junio,MS is currently the pastor.
The parish is very large (9,000 families) and is located in a small city, named above, 100 kilometers southeast of Los Angeles.
Belle and I participated actively in the visitation as we are a part of the parish staff.
We provide faith formation programs for adults.  The bishop is happy that we are heavily invested in the formation of adults in the important areas of Bible understanding, Doctrinal education as well as Liturgical and Devotional prayer.
Despite some need for improvement in two major areas, the overall picture of the parish is positive despite its huge population and its cultural and linguistic challenges.  The visitation ends tomorrow with a meeting of the financial committee.
The most impressive part of the visitation, as far as I am concerned, was the way that I was inspired by the Spirit to appreciate the way the bishop opened his spirituality of leadership to the commuunity.  It can easily be stated this way:  "We are called to move from the Old Testament attitude of the believers congregating in Jerusalem to pray to the New Testament command of Jesus sending us to the believers."
That is exactly [almost] what Our Lady of La Salette said, "Well, my children, make this known to all my people."

We thank you for you fervent prayers.
Il s'agit d'un bref rapport sur la visite épiscopale à la paroisse de Saint-Christophe située à Moreno Valley, California, USA.
Cette paroisse est sous la tutelle des Missionnaires de Notre-Dame de La Salette et le Père Joven Junio​​, MS est actuellement le curé.
La paroisse est très grande (9.000 familles) et est située dans une petite ville, nommée ci-dessus, à 100 kilomètres au sud-est de Los Angeles.
Belle et moi participâmes activement à la visite puisque nous faisons partie du personnel clef de la paroisse.
Nous offrons des programmes de formation dans la foi pour les adultes.  L'évêque est heureux que nous sommes fortement investis dans la formation des adultes dans les domaines importants de la compréhension biblique, l'éducation doctrinale ainsi que la prière liturgique cultuelle et de dévotion.
Malgré un certain besoin d'amélioration dans deux domaines principaux, l'image globale de la paroisse est positif en dépit de son énorme population et ses défis culturels et linguistiques. La visite se termine demain avec une réunion de la commission des finances.
La partie la plus impressionnante de la visite, quant à moi, était la façon dont j'ai été inspiré par l'Esprit pour apprécier la manière dont l'évêque a ouvert sa spiritualité de pasteur à la communauté. Elle peut facilement être exprimée ainsi: «Nous sommes appelés à passer de l'attitude de l'Ancien Testament où les croyants se rassemblent à Jérusalem pour prier,  à la commande du Nouveau Testament où Jésus nous envoie vers les nations."
C'est exactement [presque] ce que Notre-Dame de La Salette a dit: «Et bien, mes enfants, faites-le passer à tout mon peuple."

Nous vous remercions de vous ferventes prières.

Este es un breve informe sobre la visita episcopal a la parroquia de San Cristóbal ubicado en Moreno Valley, California, EE.UU..
Esta parroquia está bajo la tutela de los Misioneros de Nuestra Señora de La Salette y Padre Joven Junio​​, MS es actualmente el cura parroco.
La parroquia es muy grande (9.000 familias) y se encuentra en una ciudad pequeña, arriba mencionado, a 100 kilómetros al sureste de Los Angeles.
Belle y yo participamos activamente en la visita ya que hacemos parte del personal clave de la parroquia.
Ofrecemos programas de formación de fe para adultos. El obispo está feliz de que estamos invirtiendo fuertemente en la formación de adultos en las áreas importantes de conocimiento bíblico, la educación doctrinal, así como la oración litúrgica y devocional.
A pesar de que se debe mejorar ciertos aspectos en dos grandes áreas, el panorama general de la parroquia es positivo a pesar de su enorme población y sus retos culturales y lingüísticas. La visita termina mañana con una reunión de la comisión financiera.
La parte más impresionante de la visita, en la medida que a mí respecta, fue la forma en que me sentí inspirado por el Espíritu para apreciar la manera en que el obispo abrió su espiritualidad personal del liderazgo a la communidad. Fácilmente se puede exprimir la de esta manera: "Se nos llama a pasar de la actitud del Antiguo Testamento de los creyentes que se reúnen en Jerusalén para orar,  a la mision que Jesús nos en el Nuevo Testamento,   enviandonos a las naciones".
Eso es exactamente [casi] lo que Nuestra Señora de La Salette, dijo: "Bueno, mis hijos, hacerlo saber a todo mi pueblo".

Ve damos gracias por sus oraciones fervientes.

vendredi 8 mars 2013


Lent is a time to look at ourselves.  Not in a mirror, but in our soul.
A mirror tells us not about ourselves.
Our soul is the reflection of God in ourselves.
The spiritual dynamism of God's reflection teaches who we are.
It is the Spirit of God who teaches us about ourselves.
Lent is a time when we fast from things on the outside.
This makes us leaner and hungrier for the spiritual nourishment that the Holy Spirit offers.
The lessons we learn from the Spirit awaken us to the reality of who we are and to the reality of how comfortable we are in the presence of God in us.

Un miroir nous dit rien a propos de nous-mêmes.
C'est notre âme qui est le reflet de Dieu en nous.
Le dynamisme spirituel de la réflexion de Dieu nous enseigne sur qui nous sommes.
C'est l'Esprit de Dieu qui nous apprend la realite de qui nous sommes.
Le Carême est un temps où nous jeûnons des choses à l'extérieur.
Cela nous rend plus mince et nous donne plus d'appetit pour la nourriture spirituelle que   l'Esprit Saint nous offre.
Les leçons que nous tirons de l'Esprit nous éveillent à la réalité de qui nous sommes et à la réalité de la façon dont nous sommes à l'aise avec la présence de Dieu en nous.

Un espejo no nos dice nada a proposito de nosotros mismos.
Nuestra alma es el reflejo de Dios en nosotros mismos.
El dinamismo de la reflexión espiritual de Dios nos enseña quien somos.
Es el Espíritu de Dios que nos enseña acerca de nosotros mismos.
La Cuaresma es un tiempo en cual ayunamos de cosas materiales.
Esto nos hace más delgado y da más hambre para el alimento espiritual que el Espíritu Santo ofrece.
Las lecciones que aprendemos por el Espíritu nos despertan a la realidad de lo que somos y     nos muestra la realidad de lo cómodo que estamos en la presencia de Dios en nosotros.

Let us pray

Think about it.
Pensemos ne.
Panunoten tayo.
Cogitemos in ipso.

For the Cardinals to stay open to the Spirit
Pour les cardinaux qu'ils demeurent docile a l'Esprit Saint
Para los Cardinales que se tengan abiertos a l'accion del Espiritu Santo

For the faithful and the clergy of St. Christopher parish in Moreno Valley, California at the time of the episcopal five year visitacion this weekend.  This is a parish entrusted to the La Salette Missionaries of the Mother of Hope Province - Philippines.

Pour les fidèles et le clergé de la paroisse Saint-Christophe à Moreno Valley, en Californie, durant la visitation épiscopal, ce week-end.  Il s'agit d'une paroisse confiée aux Missionnaires de La Salette de la province de la Mère de l'Espoir - Philippines.

Para los feligreses y el clero de la parroquia de San Cristóbal en Moreno Valley, California en el momento de la Visitación episcopal de cada cinco años que se lleva a cabo esta fin de semana. Se trata de una parroquia confiada a los Misioneros de La Salette de la provincia Madre de la Esperanza - Filipinas.

Marc for peace and tranquility in his life
             paix et tranquilité dans sa vie
             paz y tranquilidad en su vida
Isabel that her vision will be made better by successful surgery
             que sa vision sera amelioree grace a cirurgie reussie
             que su vision se amejorara gracias a cirugia exitosa
* Father Arnel Macabio, MS who has been assigned to a parish quite distant from the main community house of the missionaries in Southern California
* For the Lay La Salette community in the Northeastern and Middle section of the United States.  They are preparing for their semi-annual board meeting.  This is the first time that the new chair of the board will run the meeting.  Her name is Janet.

Pray for me.  Prayers of Thanksgiving.  I just completed another year.
Priez pour moi.  Prieres de reconnaissance; d'action de grace.  Je viens complir une autre annee en bonne sante.
Oren para mi.  Oraciones de accion de gracias.  Cumpli un otro año con buena salud.

Pray for Emélie.  She had an accident playing tennis and injured her wrist and the recovery is slow and more complicated than she would like.  She's tough, but finds it more difficult to be patient than to be in pain.  So, we have to pray that she heals soon.

Priez pour Emélie. Elle a eu un accident en jouant au tennis  et a blessé son poignet et la reprise est lente et plus complexe que ce qu'elle voudrait. Elle est brave, mais estime qu'il est plus difficile de patienter que d'être en douleur. Donc, nous devons prier pour qu'elle guérisse rapidement.

Oren por Emélie. Tuvo un accidente jugando tenis y se lesionó la muñeca y la recuperación es más lenta y más complicada de lo que ella quisiera. Ella es fuerte, pero le resulta más difícil ser paciente que de tener dolor. Por lo tanto, tenemos que rezar para que ella sane pronto.

dimanche 3 mars 2013


Ever since I received the news of the transfer of the Immaculate Conception parish in Holyoke, Massachusetts from the La Salette Missionaries to the bishop of the diocese of Springfield, I have been thinking of the sorrow and the disappointment of the faithful who carry one hundred years of history, culture and tradition about the parish in their hearts.  I live in Southern California.  I, my siblings, my mother and a large number of my maternal forebears were all products of the Immaculate Conception school and the spiritual life of the parish.  It is impossible to disconnect our lives from this history.
I want to make this a celebratory review because the call for the departure of the missionaries makes me all the prouder of my family's connection to this "Mission Outpost" of the La Salette Missionaries.  I say "Outpost" purposely, and pointedly.  I say it that way because Missionaries are, by their vocation, movers and shakers, and settlers and builders.  By vocation, missionaries are called to preach, teach, establish, found and turn over a ready to be driven product.  Missionaries are never more at home than when they are in unknown territory.  Missionaries are never more eloquent than when they struggle to communicate in a second or third language.  Missionaries are never more satiated than when they cope with strange cuisine.  Missionaries are never happier than the day they finally understand that "Yes, I'll try my best" means "NO."
Here are some thoughts that I have been sleepless over for the last few nights.
1. Immaculate Conception was founded to serve Franco-Americans.  It did that very well.  Some forty years ago, Holy Rosary Church, only about one fourth of mile away, was dismantled and the weepers and mourners were as much Franco-American as any other national group.  The missionaries of La Salette, children of the Mother who told them to "Make this known to ALL my people" had made good on their promise.
2. It has been quite a while since the Franco-American community has diminished and the Puerto Rican community has grown.  The missionaries had just the right guy in the wings.  Father Tom Reilly, MS came to the parish and blessed it with his liguistic ability to handle French, Italian, Spanish and English.  [I am sure that his Franco-American patois was not very great.]  Now, that's making it known to ALL my people.
3. The main lobby of the old Immaculate Conception school is perhaps no longer the exhibit hall of the priests who had studied and graduated from the school.  At least one of them was related to me, or so his brothers said.  Henri Durand was a paratrooper chaplain during the War.  René Brisebois also served as a chaplain during the War.  Maurice Rondeau was a dear friend who sadly enough, died young.  There were many more, but I can only remember those three off hand and a fourth that I will carry only in my heart.
4. For those of you who doubt that this was a mission parish, I present the greatest missionary of them all to serve us, Julien Marie Ginet, MS.  He took the church from very humble beginnings and made it a monument to God's glory.  Working people made it happen.  It didn't matter whether they were Franco-American or not.  The people of this blue collar ward made it happen.  Fr. Ginet was a tough Frenchman.  He was from a section of France very near La Salette.  He left there, came to North America and never returned to his home country.  He stayed here on orders from Our Mother Mary to make it known to ALL her people.
5. This tough Frenchman saved my grandfather's emotional life.  When my grandfather lost his right hand in an industrial accident at the old Lyman Mills his psychological health was deeply impaired.  I think that it is after this that his eldest son also died from a nasty set of circumstances.  Not violence.  Lack of medical expertise and technology.
Fr. Ginet started to visit the family every Saturday night to play Parchesi.  One Saturday, so the story as I heard it, goes, Fr. Ginet told my Grandfather, "Joseph, take your tool box and come to the rectory after the daily Mass on Monday morning."  It's a longer story than this, but suffice it to say that Joseph followed the pastor's command.  From that moment until about 1949, some 50 years, Joseph worked at the parish center as a carpenter and cabinet maker.  Yep, he taught himself how to do it without his dominant hand.
6. During and after Father Ginet, missionaries from far away places on the globe came to Immaculate Conception.  There was William Breault, MS who came after a stint in Madagascar.  There was Joseph Labonté, MS who had spent time in Burma before the white people were told to leave from there.  There were some priests who came from the La Salette mission in Saskachewan.  All of these dedicated men gave everything that they had to the apartment house dwelling blue collar population of the "Flats."

I could go on, but I won't.  I have made my point.  The La Salette missionaries should not be bathed in our tears these days.  They should be celebrated and thanked for the apostolic success that, by the Grace of God, they have shown the Church.  They have done valiant work for God and God's flock over one century.  There are other vineyards to be cultivated where the La Salette Missionaries are dearly needed.  Let me name just a few, off the cuff; Bolivia, Argentina, Haiti, the great Canadian Tundra as well as Eastern Europe and many countries in Africa.  Lest I forget, the inner cities of the United States of America, its jails and prisons as well as its hospitals and universities.  

Therefore, thank God for the La Salette Missionaries.  For many of us, they made us who we are.  Why cry over that?  They gave the Church a couple dozen good priests just from Immaculate Conception alone.  Why cry over that?  They took care of the growing Puerto Rican community in difficult times.  Why cry over that?  
Remember, it is the missionary's vocation to be the John the Baptist of the Church...he prepares the way and then gets out of the way.

Come to think of it, isn't that something like we are all called to do?  Even Jesus came to give us the way, teach us how to walk it, pass the way on to others and then go home to where we all belong.  So, when I get called back home, you now know that you do not have to cry for me.