Visit the prayer log and add your intentions.

Visitez le carnet de prières et ajoutez-y vos intentions. Ici se trouve le lien.

Visiten el cuaderno de oraciones y anoten sus intenciones. Llamenlo clicando aqui.

samedi 13 octobre 2012


Our Weeping Mother
Celle Qui Pleure, Maman
La Madre Que Llora
La Mamma Che Piange
Ina ket Agsangsangit
Umiiyak ang Nanay
A Mae Chora

Dites-le nous en Malgache/Alemand/Polonais.

Today we celebrate communications.
Aujoud'hui celebrons la communication.
Hoy, celebramos la communicacion.

We live a spirituality that is based on reconciliation.  We are then told to go and tell this to all my people.  Over the last year we have made some progress.  Let us pray that we will continue to get better at it.
Over the last few days here is what we, at the Salettinian have learned, by rapid communication.
1. An 80 year old Swiss Missionary died.  Name unknown to us.
2. A 78 year old school mate of mine [ Rome ], Ron Groschen died.
3. Fr. Pat is beginning to speak a little bit, although very weak of body, but strong in spirit.
4. The Provincial chapter of Mary Mother of the Americas begins on Monday, October 22.
5. Father Adilson Schio, vicar general, is still in Brasil.
6. The European Lay La Salettes international meeting was a booming success.
7. The Lay La Salettes of the Middle and the Eastern United States had their annual meeting in Attleboro.
8. Sister Odette is doing much better.
9. The sisters' school in Madgascar is coming along nicely and they produced a nice YouTube presentation
10. Fr. Maurice Cardinal is undergoing treatment for skin cancer, mostly head and face.  He is the spiritual guide of the Lay La Salette community of Southern California.

We are sure that there is more.  All we can do is to remind everyone that our unity in CommUNITY gets stronger the more we communicate.  Let this day, therefore be a day pf prayer for continued and increasing communication.

By the way, Belle and I are leaving for Europe in a few hours.  We will be in Italy for two weeks.  Don't count on too much communication from me.  I will be hosting a pilgrimage of 45 people on the occasion of the canonization of Kateri Tekakwitha.


Vivimos una espiritualidad basada en la reconciliación. Entonces nos dijo la "Dama Hermosa" que necesitamos "communicar esto a todo mi pueblo." En el último año hemos hecho algunos progresos. Oremos para que vamos a seguir para mejorar la situacion.
Durante los últimos días, aquí son asuntos que nosotros, en el Salettinian hemos aprendido, mediante la comunicación rápida.
1.Un Misionero suizo de 80 años murió . Nombre desconocido para nosotros.
2. Un compañero de escuela  [de Roma], de 78 años de edad, por nombre Ron Groschen murió.
3. Fr. Pat está empezando a hablar un poco, aunque muy débil de cuerpo, pero fuerte de espíritu.
4. El capítulo provincial de María Madre de las Américas comienza el lunes 22 de octubre.
5. Padre Adilson Schio, vicario general, aún se encuentra en Brasil.
6. The encuentro internacional Europeano de laicos saletinos tuvo un éxito sensacional.
7. Los Laicos saletinos del Medio y el este de los Estados Unidos tuvieron su reunión anual en Attleboro.
8. Sor Odette está haciendo mucho mejor.
9. La escuela de las hermanas en Madgascar está saliendo muy bien y produjeron una agradable presentación YouTube
10. Fr. Maurice Cardinal se encuentra en tratamiento para el cáncer de piel, la cabeza y la cara en su mayoría. Él es el guía espiritual de la comunidad de los laicos saletinos del Sur de California.

Estamos seguros de que hay más. Lo único que podemos hacer es recordar a todos que nuestra unidad en la comunidad se hace más fuerte cuanto más nos comunicamos. Que este día, por lo tanto, sea un día de oración para la comunicación continua y cada dia haciendose mejor.

Por cierto, Belle y yo nos vamos para Europa en unas horas. Estaremos en Italia por dos semanas. No cuente con la comunicación demasiado de mí. Voy a gerir una peregrinación de 45 personas con motivo de celebrar la canonización de Kateri Tekakwitha.


Nous vivons une spiritualité qui est fondée sur la réconciliation. Nous sommes aussi envoyés pour "le faire connaitre à tout mon peuple." Au cours de la dernière année, nous avons fait des progrès. Prions pour que nous continuerons à faire de mieux en mieux.
Au cours des derniers jours, voici ce que nous, au blog Salettinian, avons appris, par une communication rapide.
1. Un vieillard, missionnaire suisse de 80 ans, est mort. Nom inconnu.
2. Un de mes camarade de classe de 78 ans [de Rome], Ron Groschen est mort.
3. Fr. Pat commence à parler un peu, bien que très faible de corps, mais fort en esprit.
4. Le chapitre provincial de la Mère Marie des Amériques débute le lundi 22 Octobre.
5. Père Adilson Schio, vicaire général, est toujours au Brésil.
6. La réunion internationale de la communauté européenne de laïcs salettins  a été un succès fracassant.
7. Les laïcs salettins du centre et de l'est des États-Unis ont tenu leur réunion annuelle à Attleboro.
8. Sœur Odette se porte beaucoup mieux.
9. L'école des sœurs dans Madgascar va bon train et ils ont produit une belle présentation sur YouTube
10. Pere. Maurice Cardinal est en cours de traitement pour cancer de la peau, pour la plupart affectant la tête et le visage. Il est le guide spirituel de la communauté de laïcs salettins de California.

Nous sommes sûrs qu'il y en a plus. Tout ce que nous pouvons faire est de vous rappeler, à tous,  que notre unité dans la communauté devient plus forte, plus nous nous communiquons. Que ce jour, donc soit un jour de prière pour obtenir une meilleure communication continue et croissante.

Soit dit en passant, Belle et moi partons pour l'Europe en quelques heures. Nous serons en Italie pendant deux semaines. Ne comptez pas sur trop de communication de moi. Je serai l'hôte d'un pèlerinage de 45 personnes à l'occasion de la canonisation de Kateri Tekakwitha.

vendredi 12 octobre 2012


Deux jeunes filles du même age.  Deux jeunes filles si différentes  et en même temps, tellement pareilles.  La plus récente, Malala Yousafzai plongée dans la turbulence monumentale d’intolérance et de brutalité au Pakistan. Elle est immédiatement connue par tous dans les quatre coins du monde.  Elle est immédiatement aimée et admirée par des millions de gens.  Mais ce soir, ces mêmes millions élèvent leurs coeurs vers Dieu sachant bien que si cette jeune fille regagne la vie, ce serait a cause de Lui, et par cette grâce, l’humanité sera richement bénite. 
Notre Mélanie a vécu une vie tout autre.  Turbulente, oui.  Violente non.  Elle aussi a porte la grâce de Dieu et la "Bonne Nouvelle" a "tout mon peuple."  Elle aussi sert d'exemple jusqu’à ces temps-ci.  Deux jeunes filles, choisies par Dieu comme prophètes pour que sa gloire soit répandue dans des coins et des recoins du monde qui autrement n'auraient jamais tourne ni oreille, ni coeur vers Lui.  
Pendant notre neuvaine tournons donc nos supplications a Notre Mère et a son Fils en faveur de la jeune fille Pakistani.  Prions qu'elle se remette en sante et que ses compatriotes puissent fleurir dans le terroir abreuve par son sang.

Two young girls of the same age. Two girls, so different and at the same time, so much  the same. With one Malala Yousafzai, we are all experiencing the most recent plunge into a monumental intolerance and brutality immediately known by all in the four corners of the world. She was pitied immediately, loved and admired by millions of people.   Those millions raise their hearts to God, knowing that if this girl regains life, it would be because of Him, and through this, humanity will be richly blessed.
Our Melanie lived a life quite different. Turbulent, yes.  Violent, no. She also carried the grace of God and the "Good News" to "all my people." She also serves as an example to this day. Two girls, chosen by God to be prophets for his glory bringing His presence to nooks and crannies of the world that otherwise would not turn neither ears, nor heart to Him.
During our Novena therefore let us turn our prayers to Our Mother and her Son in favor of this Pakistani girl. Pray that she regains her health so that her people can flourish in the soil enriched by her blood.

Dos chicas de la misma edad. Dos niñas tan diferentes y al mismo tiempo, por lo que son, el mismo. La más reciente, Malala Yousafzai, es victima de turbulencia monumental  de intolerancia y brutalidad.  Inmediatamente conocida por todos en las cuatro esquinas del mundo.  Inmediatamente, querida y admirada por millones de personas. Pero esta noche, esos millones elevan sus corazones a Dios, sabiendo que si esta chica recobra vida, sería por causa de Él, y por medio de esto, la humanidad será ricamente bendecida .
Nuestra Melanie vivio una vida muy diferente. Turbulente, sí.  Violente, no.  Ella también lleva la gracia de Dios y la "buena nueva" y a  "todo mi pueblo". También sirve como un ejemplo en estos días. Dos niñas, elegidas por Dios para ser profetas para que su gloria estára muy extendida en rincones y grietas del mundo que de otra manera no se abreria ni oídos, ni corazónes para él.
Por lo tanto, durante la Novena enfoquemos nuestras oraciones a Nuestra Madre y su Hijo en favor de la niña paquistaní. Oremos para que  se recomponga su salud y que sus compadres puedan florecer en la tierra regada por su sangre.

dimanche 7 octobre 2012


This is going to be a blog post with neither rhyme nor reason.  Just enjoy.
Ceci est un billet de blog avec ni rime ni raison. Profitez-en avec alegresse.
Esto va a ser un blog con ni  rima ni razón.  Disfruten en paz y alegria.

Noticias - News - Nouvelles, etc.

Ficamos felizes com o resultado de vosso encontro saletino. Em nossa cidade de Várzea Grande, estado do Mato Grosso (Pantanal!) tivemos dia 23 de setembro a XX Romaria em nosso Santuário.
Estamos nos preparativos para a 3ª Etapa de formação de Espiritualidade Saletina para mais um grupo de 30 Leigos. Orem a Mãe da Salette por nós.
Édio Bosco e Venina Botelho
Leigos Saletinos
We were happy to hear of the outcome of your Lay LaSalette reunion in Salmata, Italy. In our town of Varzea Grande, Mato Grosso (Pantanal!) on Sept. 23 we had a Pilgrimage to our Sanctuary.
We are preparing for the 3rd Step in the Salettinian the formation in Spirituality for another group of 30 lay people. Pray to the Mother of La Salette for us.
EDIO Bosco and Venina Botelho
Lay Saletinos

Nous sommes contents d'avoir recu les bonnes nouvelles de votre réunion saletine a Salmata, Italie. Dans notre ville de Varzea Grande, Mato Grosso (Pantanal!) il y eut lieu, le 23 septembre un pèlerinage a notre sanctuaire.
Nous nous préparons pour la 3ème Étape de un autre groupe de 30 personnes laïques dans la formation de la spiritualite Saletine.  Priez a notre Mere de La Salette pour nous.
Edio Bosco et Venina Botelho
Lay Saletinos

Nos quedamos muy contentos con el resultado de su reunión saletina . En nuestro pueblo de las Varzea Grande Grande, Mato Grosso (Pantanal!) tenía 23 de septiembre una  Peregrinación en nuestro Santuario.
Nos estamos preparando para el terecero paso en la espiritualidad Saletina para otro grupo de 30 laicos.

Rezad a la Salette Madre para nosotros.
Edio Bosco y Botelho Venina
Lay Saletinos

From Father Dennis Meyer, MS
He is the Priest Spiritual Guide of the Lay La Salette Community affiliated to the Province of Our Lady of the Americas.  This community has two major regions.  One in the Northeast of the United States and the other in the central region which we call the Midwest.
Greetings ... first of all thanks so much for including me in the mailing list... I don't very often respond to all the efforts you put into your "e" work... but it amazes me as well as keeping me informed on a lot of things... unfortunately communications within the community are often sparse ... especially concerning some of the activity with the laity which is a relatively new area for many of us. I especially appreciated the accounts of the gathering at La Salette of the laity with the community and the account of Antonella which I assume you translated. A key figure in our unity within the congregation as well as with the laity is Isidro Perrin... as general he worked very hard at trying to bring about an "interdependance" in the congregation ... he attended almost every meeting of the USLC the three years before the new province here in 2000 and often expressed his wish that there would be a better understanding and unity among the European provinces... ... As you often point out, great things happen when we focus on God and His Mother rather than our interests... it was good to see the foundation and promises of the associates there ... (Southern California) our experience has been that there are not great numbers in our groups, but a great intensity ... so thanks for the info and inspiration and be assured you have at least one faithful reader... and I suspect a great many more.
Dennis Meyer

Del Padre Dennis Meyer, MS
El Padre Meyer es el Sacerdote Guía Espiritual de la Comunidad de Laicos de La Salette afiliados a la Provincia de Nuestra Señora de las Américas. Esta comunidad cuenta con dos grandes regiones. Una en el noreste de los Estados Unidos y la otra en la región central que llamamos el Medio Oeste. (Midwest)

Saludos ... en primer lugar muchas gracias por incluirme en la lista de correo ... Muy a menudo respondeo a todos los esfuerzos que usted pone en su "e" trabajo ... pero me sorprende y me mantiene informado sobre un montón de cosas ... lamentablemente las comunicaciones dentro de la comunidad son a menudo escasos ... especialmente en relación con algunas de las actividades con los laicos, que es un área relativamente nueva para muchos de nosotros. Que se agradece especialmente la contabilidad de la reunión en La Salette de los laicos con la comunidad y el reportaje de Antonella... Una figura clave en nuestra unidad dentro de la congregación, así como con los laicos es Isidro Perrin ... como general, trabajó muy duro para tratar de lograr una "interdependencia" en la congregación ... asistió a casi todas las reuniones de la USLC los tres años anteriores a la nueva provincia aquí en el 2000 y, a menudo expresó su deseo de que habría una mejor comprensión y unidad entre las provincias europeas ... ... Como señalas a menudo, suceden grandes cosas cuando nos enfocamos en Dios y su Madre antes que nuestros intereses ... que era bueno ver que la fundación y las promesas de los socios allí ... (Southern California) nuestra experiencia ha sido que no hay grandes números en nuestros grupos, pero una gran intensidad ... así que gracias por la información y la inspiración y estar seguro de que tiene al menos un lector fiel ... y sospecho que muchos más.
Dennis Meyer
Du Père Dennis Meyer, MS
Il est le guide spirituel prêtre de la Communauté Lay La Salette affiliés à la Province de Notre-Dame des Amériques. Cette communauté dispose de deux grandes régions. Un dans le Nord-Est des États-Unis et l'autre dans la région centrale que nous appelons le Midwest.

Salutations ... tout d'abord merci beaucoup de m'avoir inclus dans la liste de diffusion ... Je ne reponds pas très souvent à tous les efforts que vous mettez dans votre "e" travail ... mais il me stupéfie ainsi que de me tenir informé sur beaucoup de choses ... Malheureusement, les communications au sein de la communauté sont souvent rares ... en particulier en ce qui concerne certaines des activités avec les laïcs, qui est un domaine relativement nouveau pour beaucoup d'entre nous. J'ai particulièrement apprécié les comptes de la rencontre des Laics salettins a Salmata avec la communauté et le compte d'Antonella... Une figure clef de notre unité au sein de la congrégation, ainsi qu'avec des laïcs est Isidro Perrin ... comme général, il a travaillé très dur pour essayer de parvenir à une «interdépendance» dans la congrégation ... il a assisté à presque toutes les réunions de l'USLC des trois années précédant la creation de la nouvelle province ici en 2000 et a souvent exprimé son souhait qu'il y ait une meilleure compréhension et unité entre les provinces ... Comme vous le faites souvent remarquer, de grandes choses surgissent quand nous concentrons sur Dieu et Sa Mère plutôt que sur nos intérêts personnels ... il était bon de voir les bases et les promesses des associés là-bas ... (Californie du Sud), notre expérience a été qu'il n'y a pas un grand nombre de membres dans nos groupes, mais une grande intensité ... donc merci pour l'info et de l'inspiration et soit assuré d'avoir au moins un lecteur fidèle ... et je soupçonne un plus grand nombre.
Dennis Meyer

Community of prayers -- Union de prieres  -- comunidad de oracion

A family preparing a family reunion in Janury with an aging father
Une famille qui prepare une reunion avec le pere de famille qui avance en age
Una familia que prepara una reunion con el papa que se anciana rapidamente

A family from the Pacific islands who needs better health overall
Une famille des Isles du Pacific qui a besoin de meilleur sante
Una familia de la Islas Pacificas que ocupa salud mas fuerte

mercredi 3 octobre 2012


Go here to see the pictorial history of the event:

The church in Salmata, at the point of the ascension of Mary back to heaven
La iglesia de Salmata, a la cumbre de la suvidita que marca la ascension de la Virgen 
This post is a report from our dear sister Antonella, a major driving force behind the vitality of the Lay La Salette community of Italy.  This is written by Antonella to let us all know what our brothers and sisters are doing in other parts of the world.

Here is plan here for this article:  (Le plan aujourd'hui)  El plan de hoy.
     1 - Links to the report by Antonella in translation
           Liens qui portent au rapport d'Antonella (reunion de Salmata)
           Enlaces para andar al reporte de la reunion a Salmata
     2 - The report in English  (anglais)  (Ingles)
     3 - The link to the pictures from the reunion
           Liens qui portent aux photos
           Enlaces para consequir las fotos

6-10 September - Salmata

From the 6th through the 10th of September in Salmata (Umbria), at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette, the “2nd European Meeting of Lay La Salettes” took place. The meeting was attended by delegations of lay people from the four European Provinces of the Missionaries of La Salette (Italy/Spain, France, Poland, Switzerland),  with four provincials and the general of the congregation, father Silvano Marisa accompanied by two counsellors, and the Nuns of Our Lady of La Salette with a delegation of lay people also.
In our Italian-Spanish delegation, we had people coming from Rome, Turin, Terni and Spain! For some of us at the meeting there was the great joy of seeing each other again exactly one year after the International Meeting of Lay La Salettes which took place last September in France, and for the others the chance to meet people coming from different places, but united by the same love and attraction for La Salette charisma. It was an important opportunity for sharing and enrichment!
The nature beauty in which the Shrine is immersed and its own charm helped us in the atmosphere of concentration, silence and prayer that characterized our days together! The topic dealt with in the European Meeting was: “Come near my children, don’t be afraid… to see, to judge, to act”.
From the beginning and for the entire meeting, we highlighted the importance of the decision no.7 of the General Chapter of the “Missionaries of La Salette” (April 2012), in which we are invited to set the lines of cooperation and sharing between Lay La Salettes and vowed Missionaries: “… it is a fact of ecclesial communion made up of the spiritual and operational contribution of the two groups that integrate, in their own Christian vocation, the specific connotations of the La Salette charisma, as a gift given to the Church and of which the MS’s are not the only owners, but simply consecrated men called to share a gift. It follows that they don’t have to be afraid to share it with the laity…”. This decision of the General Chapter opens a scenario of “large horizons” for La Salette family, calls and commits laics and MSs to “creativity” and to go beyond the “already seen” with the purpose of gradually carrying out a real integration which allows us to live together the challenge of a new evangelization at the service of “reconciliation”.
Very interesting and enriching were the conferences given by father Poli and father Gian Matteo (MS) that offered us respectively a precise analysis on the economic, social, religious situation in present Europe and an investigation and a new reading of La Salette Message in the light of the Old Testament and John’s Gospel. Very fine and attracting for our lay vocation were the “dough yeast” and the “weaver of compassion and reconciliation” images which underline the importance of becoming, through a courageous and strong testimony of Christian life, common richness serving the new evangelization so urgently needed by this “godless” world!
Very enriching was the work of the single linguistic groups on the theme of “Operating”, which allowed us to think and wonder how to practise the specificity of “Lay La Salette’s” vocation both in our everyday life and on a national and European scale as an extended group.
The hints, ideas and proposals from all provinces were many: the need to build up a European secretariat working as a reference and coordinating communications, information and meetings organization, the proposal to give birth to a common European magazine, the idea to establish a European Movement of Lay La Salette which could be based upon a shared education, communion through common prayer (the commitment to monthly Novena and the celebration on the 19th day of the month), the decision to organize next European Meeting in 2014 in Poland!
During the meeting we also had convivial and funny moments! The folk evening in which everyone was expected to present his own country gave us all a good time, and besides on Sunday 9th the surprise lunch organized for all participants in the Shrine park was really appreciated for the nice setting and the very good food! Finally we surely cannot forget the nice trip to Assisi on the trail of St. Francis that we had on Sunday afternoon!
In the end, during the Holy Mass on Sunday there was the celebration of the 1st anniversary of the “International La Salette Laity Day” with the presentation, during the offertory, of the symbols prepared by each Province, representing the features of the lay vocation. The symbol of our Province was very appreciated. It was a pin depicting a “bridge”, which for us represents the peculiarity of our vocation as Lay La Salette, called mostly and particularly to be “bridges of reconciliation” all over the world!!
The Italian-Spanish delegation
 of the Lay La Salette Community

Links:  Pictures -- Fotos --  Photos 


mardi 2 octobre 2012


October 2, 2012 - Paul Dion - Picasa Web Albums: Click link below for all pictures

Welcome to a very great day.  This was September 16, 2012 in Moreno Valley, California, USA.  It was a day when the six people standing before the altar knew that the memories of Jose Nacu, Ike LaPuebla and Romy Seleccion were being consecrated and engraved forever in their souls.  This small community has taken root in the Southern part of California because of the single minded efforts of the above named missionaries. 
They had help.  Ron Beauchemin was instrumental through his prayers and his selfless pursuit of documentation that he provided from the files of the Lay La Salette community from the Northeastern corner of the USA.  Fathers Dennis Meyer and Joe Bachand put some marvelous icing on the cake in the process that brought us this far.  These are the people who grabbed Our Lady of LaSalette by the hem of her skirt and would not let go until some Moreno Valley stones turned into sheaves of wheat.
The road that brought this little community here is long and winding.  Like so many other adventurous paths, it required patience, understanding, mutuality, collaboration and downright, "do 'til you die" reconciliation.  It is a road that still has a far off horizon.  It is a horizon that is not always clear because of the mountainous terrain that has to be negotiated.  It passes through gaps of heavenly grace bounded on both sides by Alps of competing human interests.  It took nearly six years to get where it is today.  Who knows what the next six years will bring?  The young community has now begun to carve out its way through the mountains to the future.  Much has to be done.  More dedicated members must be invited, trained and formed.  The organizational processes have to be defined and put into place.  Community life of the committed six has to be defined through its prayer practices.  Mary and Her Son are waving His arm over us in blessing.  
Now that all the heavy lifting is just about finished, it seems to be time to invite the La Salette friends and alumni within the sound of our voice to consider the call of Our Lady of La Salette to "Come near, my Children.  Do not be afraid."  The invitation is a challenge.  The response to the challenge is a reward so great and so deep that it cannot be described in human terms.  Pray over it.  If you hear Her voice, let us know and we will help you to listen.

L to R: Rita Santos; Maurice Cardinal; Leticia Cadelina; Joven Junio, Isabel Dion;
Fred Costales; David Lara-Tellez; Arlan Intal; Wally Arida; Paul Dion
Background:  Joseph with Jesus in his arms;  Our Lady of Guadalupe and
Our Lady of La Salette.